Update on the Implementation of the National Fundraising Principles
An update as at March 2024 on the implementation of the National Fundraising Principles in Australia …
New grievance and remuneration disclosure requirements for Queensland incorporated associations
The rules for incorporated associations in Queensland will be changing from 1 July 2024, affecting the grievance procedures of incorporated associations and requiring associations to report certain remuneration and benefits. …
Changes to the administrative arrangements of certain DGRs coming in 2024
Charities with funds on the REO, ROHPC, ROCO or the OAGDS should be aware of the changes to the tax legislation coming into place from 1 January 2024, and consider the changes that can be made to their governing rules. …
New ACNC reporting requirements for related party transactions
Get across the new related party transaction requirements introduced by the ACNC, and make sure you understand the requirements that may apply to your organisation under Chapter 2E of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and Australian Accounting Standards AASB124. …
The impact of the Global Citizen decision limited to similar organisations
Following the ACNC’s impact statement there is unlikely to be a flood of organisations now applying for public benevolent institution registration. However, if your organisation’s activities include advocacy or education in a collaborative effort with others to provide benevolent relief, seek advice about its eligibility. …
A new era for Public Benevolent Institutions?
Could the Global Citizen decision open the door for many more registered charities to apply for PBI registration and for existing PBIs to have non-benevolent purposes (not limited to those incidental or ancillary to their main purpose)? …
What’s in a name? When you’re naming your not-for-profit organisation, there’s more to it than you might think!
There are lots of things to decide when you’re looking to set up a not-for-profit organisation. In addition to identifying the organisation’s mission and the goods or services that it will provide, you’ll also need to decide what it is going to be called. There …