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"With a thorough understanding of not-for-profit organisations, we are well-placed to help facilitate resolutions through mediation."

Let's achieve a resolution, together

Working together

In some cases disputes and interpersonal issues between boards, directors, members or staff can arise and a facilitated mediation process can help to resolve these issues and support the parties to continue to work together moving forward.

Mediation is a voluntary, confidential process where parties to a dispute work with a neutral third party (the mediator) to resolve their dispute. Mediation is usually quicker and cheaper than litigation, and allows each party to explain their point of view to the other party or parties.

A way forward

Parties get to decide how the dispute is resolved in mediation, rather than someone else imposing an outcome on them. The parties' agreement about the way forward is not legally binding, however parties often choose to sign a document setting out what they have agreed as a sign of good faith. The parties can take the extra step after the mediation to make their agreement legally binding if they choose to do so.

Not-for-profit mediator

One of our principal lawyers, Hannah, is an Accredited Mediator. Her accreditation and ongoing training requirements, along with her experience resolving disputes as a lawyer and understanding of the governance and operations of not-for-profit organisations, makes her well-placed to help your organisation, or certain individuals within it, through the mediation process.
Please contact us if you’d like to discuss whether mediation is the right process to resolve your dispute or to enquire about our rates.